The Dragon and the Pearls 龙与珠

It is no surprise Sotheby’s International Realty monitors global markets on the rise (after all “international” is their middle name).

Nor is it shocking China garners the most attention these days given the country’s unparalleled economic growth, budding wealth and most importantly, a propensity to consume foreign real estate.


“From what we observe, 2012 was another strong year in real estate with the Asia market continuing to be strong in terms of sales – both in the metropolitan areas and for special properties in unique locations,” said Philip White, President and Chief Executive Officer for Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates LLC.


According to the National Association of Realtors, Chinese consumers spent some $9 billion buying US homes in a 12-month period leading up to March 2012. Only Canadians bought more homes in the US than the Chinese (and many of those Canadians were actually born in China). Observers say the most popular markets are global gateways like New York City or London but increasingly major West Coast cities too.

据国家房地产协会的调查,过去12个月期间,中国消费者在美国购买房地产的总值达到了90亿美元。 而唯有加拿大人在购置房屋数量上超过了美国(实际上,这些加拿大人大多数是中国移民)。 观察员指出,热门的市场包括一些国际大都会,例如纽约,伦敦等,但一些美国西海岸的城市也属上升趋势。

“Asian homebuyers have been a staple consumer of properties in Vancouver, BC, San Francisco and Los Angeles for many years,” said Dean Jones, Owner of Realogics Sotheby’s International Realty. “More recently alternative West Coast markets like Seattle, Newport and San Diego have gained in visibility and even a preference given their relative value and lifestyle attributes. We are positioning ourselves to be a major catalyst for Asian home buying throughout the West Coast.”

苏富比国际地产的总裁迪恩琼斯说:“多年来,亚洲购房者都是温哥华,旧金山和洛杉矶的消费主力。 而最近新兴市场,例如西雅图和贝尔维尤,也开始受到亚洲购房者的青睐。我们正在逐步确保整个西太平洋海岸成为亚洲家庭购买的主要推动力量。”

The Seattle-based real estate firm has partnered with key brokers, overseas wealth managers, immigration specialists and other centers of influence throughout the Pacific Rim to showcase the Pacific Northwest lifestyle. Known as The Dragon and the Pearls, the campaign targets Asia (mostly China) as the “Dragon” and arrays a string of “Pearl” destination markets along the West Coast comprising of Vancouver/Richmond, BC; Seattle/Bellevue, WA; San Francisco, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Orange County; CA; and San Diego, CA.

设立在西雅图的房地产公司,通过与整个环太平洋地区的主要房产经纪,海外财富管理机构,移民专家和其他中心协力合作,极大地宣扬了西北太平洋的的生活模式。这个项目称为龙与珠,亚洲(主要是中国)是“龙”,从温哥华起 ,沿西海岸的排列的一系列城市是“珠”,包括西雅图/贝尔维尤,旧金山,洛杉矶,橙县,和圣地亚哥。

Angela Wong, a Director of International Marketing for Asia with Ewing and Associates Sotheby’s International Realty is based in Calabasas, CA but specializes in representing foreign buyers, mostly Chinese, as they explore investment or relocation to North America. Recently she was featured on The Wall Street Journal confirming the propensity for buyers to emigrate from Asia.

伍家宝,她是Ewing & Associate 耀荣/苏富比房地产公司,國際市場營銷副总裁 (亞洲), 总部设在加利福尼亚州卡拉巴萨斯,她经常到亚洲经商。她认为,她的客户寻求的是价格合理的,以及是未来增值潜力又比较大的房产,在这一点上, 西北太平洋地区的房产具相当大的增长潜力符合条件。

“The West Coast lifestyle compares well to other Pacific Rim destinations such as Sydney or Hong Kong but real estate is a fraction of the price and it’s making a rebound after correcting during the recent US recession,” said Wong, who is a cofounder of The Dragon and the Pearls initiative with Jones. “That’s going to continue drawing the Chinese – I’ve watched this lifecycle time and time again. Once a market is discovered they create a self-fulfilling prophecy and eventually a real estate microclimate.”

伍家宝小姐也是龙和珠的创始人之一, 她说“在西雅图和贝尔维尤的生活方式是非常类似于悉尼或温哥华,但房地产价格的只有它们的一半。 这是非常吸引中国买家的地方,我已经见证了很多次。每次一个新市场被发现了,就会形成一个区域性的房产高需求市场。“

According to the IMF, World Economic Outlook Report, China is anticipated to generate more than US$9 trillion in GDP earning the auspicious honor of being the second largest economy in the world on top of being the most populous and among the fastest growing. Meanwhile, for the first time ever, the Asia-Pacific region surpassed North America in 2012 with the largest number of millionaires, according to the Capgemini 2012 World Wealth Report. New research released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences suggests wealthy Chinese are indeed heading overseas in an attempt to protect their assets, better educate their children and enjoy an improved quality of life. The report mirrors findings by Shanghai-based pundit Hurun, who publishes the popular Rich List. They suggest more than half of China’s millionaires are considering or actively trying to emigrate.

据国际货币基金组织(IMF)的世界经济展望报告,十年前中国创造了1.6万亿美元国内生产总值,紧紧尾随美国,日本,德国,英国和法国。2013年中国预计生产总值将超过9万亿美元,而成为世界第二大经济体。同时,根据凯捷顾问公司的2012年世界财富报告, 有史以来第一次,亚太地区百万富翁人数超过北美地区。 中国社会科学研究院发布的一项新的研究表明,富裕的中国人试图保护自己的资产,给孩子提供更好的教育,和享受更高生活质量。 胡润百富榜的反映调查结果显示超过一半的中国千万富豪正在考虑或积极尝试移民。

“The old real estate axiom Location-Location-Location needs to be updated for Asian homebuyers – it’s more like Location-Education-Environment,” says Jones who says the West Coast is attractive because of its direct flight proximity to most major cities in Asia, renowned school systems and overall quality of life.

As the American economy recovers and housing prices rebound, Wong believes US real estate will become the most secure asset class in the world – especially considering the US stock market has reached a new peak and investors seek safe havens with greater upside potential. Foreign buyers can take solace, she says, in the stability and relative predictability of US government policies while enjoying fee-simple ownership forever unlike land leases in China.

随着美国经济的复苏,房价反弹,伍小姐认为,美国房地产将成为在世界上最安全的投资 ,并有更大的升值潜力– 尤其是考虑到美国股市已经达到一个新的高峰,她说,因为尤其美国政府的政策相对的稳定和可预测性,同时享受土地永远所有权,而不像中国租赁政策。

“The Chinese are very sophisticated,” adds Wong. “While they understand the impact they create they prefer housing markets that are built upon structural job growth rather than government policy or immigration alone. The overseas demand from their friends and family is a bonus but they’re quick to promote their new lifestyle.”

“但中国人是非常复杂的,”伍补充说。 “虽然了解到他们对房地产市场的影响,他们更喜欢是建立在结构性的就业增长,而不是单靠政府政策或移民的市场。当然,在他们向朋友和家人宣传自己的新的生活方式的同时,也吸引了一些新的需求。”

Jones and Wong are both landed immigrants themselves and as such, remain confident the American Dream is alive and well abroad.


“The West Coast of North America is well positioned to attract an increasing share of this Asian bounty,” says Jones. “I feel this is just the beginning.”

“西北太平洋已作好准备,亚洲市场的份额会越来越大,”琼斯说。 “我觉得我们是下一个目标地区”

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