Great Geniuses

Do we have a hidden, possibly dormant capacity to express great genius? Can we access this most inspiring, prodigious and gifted talent? Can studying the lives or at least the traits of other great genius...

Inspired Education

It could be stated that without education, we will blunder and slumber, but through education we will climb and soar. The journey of our species has shown repeated advancements of creativity and technolo...

The Power of Self-Governance

Would you consider yourself a highly self-governed individual? Would others see you this way? Are you functioning from the highest levels of efficiency and effectiveness? Are you clear and centered on yo...

Equanimity and Equity

The virtue and value of individual equanimity has been extolled and advocated by wise thinkers and philosophers for centuries. It represents a calm, tempered, even mind, or a state of psychological stabi...